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Showing posts from May, 2019

Weird Programming Languages

There are thousands of programming languages are invented and only about hundred of programming languages are commonly used to build software. Among this thousands of programming languages, there are some weird type of programming languages can be also found. These programming languages are seems to be called weird, since their programming syntax and the way it represent its code. In this blog we will look into some of these language syntax. Legit Have you ever wonder, when you come to a Github project that print hello world program, but you cannot see any codes or any content. Check this link  and you will see nothing in this repository. But trust me, there is hidden code in this project. If you see the  commit  section, you can reveal the magic. Yeah, you are right. Its storing hello world code in inside the git commit history. If you clone this project and run the following command, then you can see the hidden code i...